Become a UNA-USA Member!

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Join Us!

Only with your help can we make our Chapter stronger & more robust.

Do you believe in the value of global engagement? A moral responsibility to help others? Our ability to make the world a better place? If so, become a member of UNA Sacramento today!

Benefits of Membership include:

  • Access to the nation's largest group of advocates for the UN (with a network of 200 Chapters and 20,000 members across the US)

  • Opportunities and resources to advocate for a strong US / UN relationship

  • Resumé Booster & practical experience in project management

  • Participation in national United Nations events, conferences, and opportunities for meaningful engagement with your elected officials

  • Exclusive membership to the UN Federal Credit Union

If you are 25 years or younger, your membership is completely FREE!

Be sure to select "CA - Sacramento Chapter" for the Chapter selection option when you sign up!

After signing up, please complete this additional volunteer form

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