We’re Fighting for our Future
The numbers don't lie: the Earth is getting warmer. We've already warmed the Earth by 1°C, and are on track to reach more than 3° of warming unless we make significant changes. That might seem like a small number, but it's a big deal. Scientists recently warned that we must reverse course in the next 12 years on how we use energy to eat, travel and live or our planet, people, and the resources we depend on will see major impacts.
Tell Congress to work with the UN and step up on climate.
UNA Sacramento is committed to advocating on behalf of the United Nations & its efforts to combat Climate Change by offering anyone the ability to send a physical “Action Advocacy Letter” to either Congressman Ami Bera or Congresswoman Doris Matsui’s offices - based on your mailing zip code. A pre-written Action Advocacy Letter is provided below with the opportunity to include your personal note as well. This service is 100% free thanks to generous donors that have allowed us to build & sustain this virtual advocacy feature. Your personal information is completely confidential and will solely be used for mailing purposes.
*If you prefer to send your own message without the pre-written letter below, please indicate so within the “Personal Note” field below.